New in Version 0.9.397

Released 26 Jul 2012

  • New unique table.
  • New iterator implementation for dd_edge class.
  • Using fine-grained identity reduction rules.
  • Lots of code reorganization and cleanup.

Simple Interface Changes

  • Iterators have been replaced with enumerators. The old code segment
    for (dd_edge::const_iterator i = e.begin(); i; ++i) 

    should be replaced by

    for (enumerator i(e); i; ++i) 

    and most other iterator functionality has been included in the enumerator class.

  • Removed findFirstElement methods, the same behavior can be obtained with enumerators.

  • Removed createSubmatrix methods, the same behavior can be obtained with the cross product and intersection operators.

Expert Interface Changes

  • Added node_builder subclass, updated operations to use it. This is the mechanism to use for building new nodes.

  • Added node_reader subclass, updated operations to use it. This is the mechanism to use for reading nodes in a forest.

  • Removed most of the old interface for accessing nodes.

  • Removed temporary edges.
