New in Version 0.5.186

Released 16 Jun 2011

New Features

  • Variables in domains are represented by instances of class variable, instead of integers. The same variable may appear in more than one domain.

  • Domain levels are always in the order: topmost, …, 2, 1, 0 where level 0 is for terminal nodes. As such, level mapping is no longer necessary.

  • For convenience, there is a new function

    which combines domain creation and variable initialization.

  • There are new functions to destroy objects,

    and these must be used instead of delete.

Deprecated Functions

Now deprecated Equivalent replacement
domain::getTopVariable() domain::getNumVariables()
domain::getVariableAbove(v) v+1
domain::getVariableBelow(v) v-1
expert_domain::getVariableHeight(v) v
expert_domain::getVariableWithHeight(h) h

Known Issues

  • Calling MEDDLY::cleanup() can sometimes cause a segmentation fault. Destroying all domains before calling cleanup() seems to fix this.
